
Saturday, 3 April 2010

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

Interesting few days. Attended another meeting of Bristol Legacy Commission. Some correspondence posted on this blog. Apparently, members of the Commission have been instructed NOT to enter into any discussion with me. Impressive slant on democratic involvement.
Letter published in Bristol Evening Post 1st April. Web search will show responses to date. Please add yours to keep this important pot boiling.

Bristol political scene gets direr by the day.

Have received LibDem election leaflets repeating the lie that 'party' has been using for years that "The Tories cannot win here". We know that they used to fill in postal voting forms for Care Homes in previous elections but I would be surprised if they have already completed enough to give them a majority.

Church scandals have hit the Easter holiday with uncanny timing. Is it right that the Pope's visit to UK will cost taxpayers £25mn?

Another speeding ticket. Did some research on Safety Camera Partnership website which revealed spelling mistakes in the Assistant Chief Constable's Home Page. If he can't spell, can we be sure he can use a camera? Brought the error to attention of contact email who, in thanking me, referred to it as a typing error. I replied that it was evidence of an inadequate education NOT finger trouble.

Encountered Green Party canvassers in Clifton Down. Lovely people but seemed unaware of current position in Bristol, both locally and nationally. Pity 'cos some good candidates and interesting policies.

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